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Monday, November 21, 2011

Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, and Technology

I read the third chapter of proverbs today.  So far, the common theme running through the first three chapters has been the value of wisdom and knowledge. 

Here is a small section from today's reading.  Take a look at the benefits of gaining wisdom and understanding.
Proverbs 3:13-18(NKJV)
13    Happy is the man who finds wisdom,      And the man who gains understanding;
14    For her proceeds are better than the profits of silver,     And her gain than fine gold.
15    She is more precious than rubies,     And all the things you may desire cannot compare with her.
16    Length of days is in her right hand,     In her left hand riches and honor.
17    Her ways are ways of pleasantness,     And all her paths are peace.
18    She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her,     And happy are all who retain her.
Would you like any of those things in your life?  Happiness, profits, gain, long life, riches and honor, pleasantness, peace, and a second dose of happiness?  Doesn't sound like a bad thing does it? 

Some might think it does.  After all it is talking about  riches and honor, profits, gains, things more precious than rubies.  Aren't those all just signs of greed and therefore evil? 

Before you answer that question I would suggest that you answer this question.  Does God give evil rewards?  All of the things mentioned above are God's promises to those that seek and find wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.  So unless you think God gives evil gifts then the answer has to be that those things in and of themselves are not evil.

So how are we to understand the subtle differences often found in the Bible.  Well obviously by seeking wisdom, knowledge, and understanding!  Which brings me to the subject of today:  Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding and Technology.

We have incredible tools at our disposal today.  We have obvious tools like our Bibles and prayer.  We have Bible software and things like that but today I'd like to just call you attention to the simple search engine, Yahoo, Google, whoever you choose to use.

I just recently discovered the power of the simple search engine for Bible study which is pretty embarrassing because among my talents, I am a computer professional.   I've got great Bible software that can do all sorts of sophisticated searches and things but it is a bit complicated.  I was looking for ways to get answers to questions that have always just puzzled me a bit.  That is when I took a shot at just doing a simple web search on a question or two.

The results have been amazing.  It is adding a depth to my study and understanding that I never had before.  Let me just give you a couple of examples.

I have often been puzzled between the references back and forth between Israel and Judah.  I was just never really clear on the distinction and how it came about.  Been puzzled by it for years.  Not a driving curiosity mind you but just a puzzlement, one of those things I would look into sometime.  Well with an internet search that "looking into it" couldn't be easier.

Here is a summary of the answer I found on two different sources.

Judah was the small, southern Hebrew kingdom centred on the city of Jerusalem. Israel was the much larger and more prosperous, northern Hebrew kingdom with Samaria as its capital.

Throughout much of their history, both kingdoms were frequently overrun and were often required to pay tribute to be allowed to continue to exist as dependencies of their more powerful neighbours. Samaria was finally conquered by the Assyrians in 722 BCE, after which the nation of Israel ceased to exist. Judah was less important economically and strategically, but Jerusalem was finally overrun by the Babylonians in 586BCE, and the population taken captive. The Judahites were allowed to return after the Persian conquest of Babylon.

1. The Israelites had a single kingdom during the reigns of Solomon and David, but the region was divided into Judah and Israel after the death of Solomon.
2. The southern region came to be called Judah which consisted of the tribes of Benjamin and Judah. The northern region was called Israel which comprised the remaining ten tribes.
3. Israel was a larger region than Judah. It was also more prosperous than the southern region of Judah.
4. Jerusalem, which was once the capital of Judah, is now the capital of Israel.
5. Samaria was the capital of the earlier kingdom of Israel.

Pretty cool isn't it?  Now I understand the difference.  I have been reading Jeremiah for my Old Testament reading.  I did a search on Jeremiah today and learned more of who he was, his upbringing, his family background, when he was alive (500-600 years before Christ).  All of this info gives me a greater insight into his writings.  Pretty cool.

Let me just offer one warning as you try this new tool.  You have to be able to discern the good from the bad.  Don't believe it unless you read the same explanation on more than one site.  There is a lot of garbage out there as well as a lot of anti-Semitic stuff when you search on Biblical topics so be forewarned, recognize it for what it is, ignore it, and move on.

So the next time you are studying God's word and you think to yourself, I wonder what He means by that, try typing the question into Yahoo and see what you learn.  Remember, God rewards us for seeking His knowledge and I have no doubt that using this tools will result in big dividends in your understanding of God! 

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