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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Letting God Lead!

As I have said before I think personal testimony is the best way to lead people to Jesus.  So I'd like to share a little testimony about letting God lead.

I have been letting God lead for a long time and God shared a bit of revelation knowledge with me recently that was pretty eye opening and at the same time demonstrated God's great sense of humor.  I'll try to keep this short.

To begin with I am a control freak.  Big time control freak.  So letting God lead to this extent was a big struggle early on.  I have come to really enjoy it now but it took a long time to be comfortable with it.

Now I'm not talking about just letting God lead in a big picture sense.  That part was easy.  It was learning to let God interrupt and redirect MY well-ordered day.  That was the hard part.  I'd make a list of what I needed to accomplish for a successful day and I wouldn't be more than 1 or 2 items into the list and God would come along and just totally reorder it for me. 

I have since learned to ask God's input when I first make up the list and I have also learned to just let God make the changes though out the day as He sees fit.  I no longer get frustrated by it.  In fact I marvel at it because when I sit back and just go with the flow as He directs it I have some really incredible days.  Things just seem to work out….like today.

My step mom passed away about a month ago and my Dad is a bit lonely.  He lives in another town and I go take him grocery shopping every two weeks.  Today I had my day planned to see a client on my way there at 10:00 and then see my Dad at noon.  Well my appointment ended sooner than I expected and I had extra time on my hands.  I asked God what we should do with it.  Guess what?  He had something in mind.

An idea popped in to my head.  Go to the senior center in Dad's town.  I know that a lot of times they serve lunch and there are a lot of seniors that go there and it would get Dad around people so he wouldn't be so lonely.  I went to where the senior center used to be but it wasn't there anymore.  God said go park at the beach and look it up on your phone. 

I did and found the address.  I punched the address in to the GPS but it couldn't find it.  I took the closest address I could find and headed out.  When I go there it wasn't the place so God said just keep driving down this road.  Pretty soon the building numbers had gotten so high that I was sure that I had gone too far so I decided to turn around in the next driveway.

When I got to the drive way that I was going to turn around in, guess what?  It was the Senior Center that I was looking for!  God is just so cool!  I got a tour and took some info to my Dad.  Looks like he is going to go there and check it out so that is good.

BTW, what was the revelation knowledge?  This week God let me in on a little secret.  Why does he screw with my schedule so much?  Because he knows that I am such a control freak.  LOL!!!  It is my "thorn in the side"  like Paul so that I am constantly reminded that it is God that makes things happen in my life, not me.  Pretty cool!

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