There seems to be
quite a bit of this even in the New Testament in my opinion. Last time through the NT I paid particular
attention to what Jesus said in the four Gospels and what is taught in the rest
of the NT. I would recommend you read
through the NT with the same approach some time.
Matthew 15:9(NKJV)
And in vain they worship Me,
Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’”
There were many
example that I pointed out the last time through the NT but the one which I
will cite now is one that I found most interesting. What do we need to do to be saved?
Paul among others
has this whole thing about believe in your heart and confess with your mouth
that Jesus is Lord. I compare that with
what Jesus said. Jesus said it was a
heart issue…period. Jesus didn't specify
confessing with your mouth. In fact
Jesus went so far as to ask one guy something and after the guy answered Jesus
said "close enough.".
So in my mind Paul
adding the confess with your mouth is a great example of the commandments of
men. Now let me be clear that I see
nothing wrong with confessing with your mouth.
I have done it many times. I just
don't think it makes a difference of being saved or not being saved. Make sense?
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