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Friday, March 31, 2023

"...Take heed, watch and pray..." - What does that really mean?

There is a lot of turmoil in the world right now.  Naturally that brings about talk of the end times.  How will we know?  The Bible gives us clues but I have always defaulted back to what Jesus said on the subject.

Mark 13:32-33(NKJV)
“But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. 
Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is. 

To begin with, I always count it folly when someone says they have it all figured out.  Jesus clearly says that even He doesn't know the exact timing.  Only God knows.

But Jesus does tell us to "take heed, watch, and pray".

Aren't "taking heed"and "watching" pretty much the same thing?

That is what I thought so I asked ChatGPT for an explanation of the differences.  Here is what it said.

what is the difference between "taking heed" and "watching"?

The phrases "taking heed" and "watching" can both involve paying attention to something, but there are some subtle differences in their meanings.

"Taking heed" generally implies being aware of a potential danger or warning and taking necessary precautions to avoid it. It suggests a more deliberate and intentional action to avoid harm or negative consequences. For example, "He took heed of the warning and didn't go swimming in the dangerous current."

On the other hand, "watching" can simply mean observing something without necessarily taking any specific action. It can be more passive and less intentional than "taking heed." For example, "She was watching the birds fly in the sky."

In summary, "taking heed" suggests a more active and intentional approach to paying attention to something, especially in response to a warning or potential danger, while "watching" is a more general term for simply observing something without necessarily taking any specific action.

Interesting.  It might be a little easier to think of the three steps in a slightly different order. 

1.  Watch - Be an alert observer.  You can't take heed of anything until you have some observations to take heed from.

2.  Take Heed - Based on your observations is there anything going on that you need to take heed of? 

3.  Now pray about those things that you are taking heed of.  NEVER start taking action on the things you are taking heed of until you take them to God in prayer. 

Pray for discernment. Is this something that you even need to be taking heed of? 
Pray for understanding.  How does this all fit into God's plan?
Pray for guidance in how God wants you to respond to the things that you are taking heed of?  Other than prayer is there anything else you should be doing on this or that issue?  Let God be your guide.

Most importantly, do all of these things with a sense of peace.  God has it all under control!

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