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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

How Closely Do We Have To Toe the Line?

Every now and then I run across something that just makes me wonder.  Today is one of those days.

This has to do with Solomon building the Temple.  If you recall King David was told by God not to build the Temple because David was a man of war.  That job was for Solomon.

Now both King David and King Solomon are described as men after God's heart.  We know that King David slept with Bathsheba and then had her husband killed.  David then takes her as his wife and she bears him a son, Solomon, the future king.  But what about Solomon?

How closely did he toe the line so to speak?  How closely did he adhere to all of God's commands? 

1 Kings 3:3(NKJV)
3And Solomon loved the Lord, walking in the statutes of his father David, except that he sacrificed and burned incense at the high places.

Solomon got most of it right, but not all.  And yet God continued to think highly of and bless Solomon.  That led me to ask "What does God expect of us?"

Does God expect perfection?  Is God sitting there waiting to play Whack A Mole with us the minute we do one thing wrong?  Or does He look deeper than that?  Does he look at the total us instead of this part or that part?  How important are our intentions, does He take those into account?

My conclusion is that this is an example of God looking at our hearts.  Even though we may be getting a thing or two wrong, is our heart in the right place?  Are we striving to get to know God better and do His will?  If so then I think God is willing to give us a break and allow us to grow.

Now what is the best way to let God know that your heart is in the right place?  By accepting God's son Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.  When you ask Jesus into your life to guide you, you are letting God know right up front that you believe Him and you trust Him. 

Have you done that yet?  Why not do it right now?  Simply ask Jesus to come into your life to lead you.  Have a conversation with Him.  "Dear Jesus…."

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