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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

ChrIslam - Do We Serve The Same God?

I ran across this Scripture today and it fit nicely with an issue that I'm not sure many are aware of.  Take a look and then I will explain.

Isaiah 2:5-6(NKJV)
5    O house of Jacob, come and let us walk      In the light of the Lord.
6    For You have forsaken Your people, the house of Jacob,      Because they are filled with eastern ways;     They are soothsayers like the Philistines,     And they are pleased with the children of foreigners.

There is a movement out there being led by what many would consider to be main stream pastors that is trying to find common ground with Islam.  That in and of itself isn't a bad thing.

What is an extremely bad thing however is how they are misleading people in my opinion.  You see the basis of the movement is that "after all, we both serve the same God".

How many of you out there think that is true?  I believe that is flat out wrong according to Scripture and is the exact kind of thing that Isaiah was warning about.  Allow me to explain and see if you agree.

Let's start with the Bible.  God tells us through the Bible that Jesus is the Son of God and that to receive eternal life you must believe that Jesus was the Son of God, that He was crucified and raised from the dead, and that he ascended into Heaven where He sits at the right hand of God.  The Bible makes very clear that the only way to a saving relationship with God is through belief in Jesus Christ.  Those who reject Jesus have declared themselves enemies of God.    (I can provide Scripture references for this but I think it is pretty standard stuff.)

So now lets look at Islam.  What do they say about Jesus?  While they believe that Jesus was a great prophet, they deny that He is God's Son.  They deny that He was crucified and raised from the dead and they deny that He ascended into Heaven where He sits at the right hand of God.

So if Scripture tells us that those who reject the diety of Jesus have declared themselves enemies of God and Muslims have jejected that diety, how in the world can someone claim that we serve the same God.  That is just totally illogical.

They in fact believe that Muhammad was a greater prophet than Jesus.  Take a look at this genealogy chart. 

Machine generated alternative text: Lineage of six prominent
prophets according to
Islamic tradition
Adem (Adam)
Nuh (Noah)
braha I
Ishaq (Isaac)I
I Musa(Moses)i
Maryam (Mary
Dotted lines indicate multiple

In addition, belief in Jesus is voluntary.  Belief in Islam isn't.  It is required and they kill people for renouncing their religion. 

So there are some of the differences.  Now let me ask a couple of questions. 

Is God some sort of sadistic freak?  Would a loving God take two groups and teach them different things and then pit them against each other and watch them kill each other, just for His amusement? 

How can someone teach that we serve the "same God" when the beliefs of the two religions are so diametrically opposed.  It is totally illogical and Scripturally wrong in my opinion.
And as I said before, it is exactly what I believe Isaiah 2:6 is referring to.  As another example I would refer you to how King Solomon got in trouble in his later years.  As he married more and more women he allowed them to set up alters to their gods.  Our God was not pleased with this.  

Isaiah 2:17 tells us what the conclusion to this sort of thinking will be.  I think those who are promoting ChrIslam may have some explaining to do.

Isaiah 2:17(NKJV)
17    The loftiness of man shall be bowed down,     And the haughtiness of men shall be brought low;     The Lord alone will be exalted in that day,

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