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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

God will ALWAYS Prepare You

Whether you realize it at the time or not, God is always preparing you.  In big things and small, if He called you to do it, He will ALWAYS prepare and equip you to complete the task on His behalf successfully.

Let me share an example from my life the last couple of days.  Our church has a satellite church and so some stuff has to be prerecorded.  I am one of the camera operators but I don't normally do this.  Last week I received an email asking if I could fill in on camera for the pre-recording this morning.  I said sure, no problem and didn't really give it anymore thought other than making a note of when to show up.  I didn't really think about how long and if I would be sitting or standing or whatever.

Now let me switch gears.  My profession is pretty sedentary.  About 8 months ago I got a stand where I could set my computer and work standing up.  My doctor suggested it.  Well I did it for a while but then got out of the habit. 
This past weekend my oldest son and my daughter in law were over and we were talking about fitness issues.  Somehow the subject of standing while working came up.  (I say that somewhat facetiously because I don't believe it somehow just came up.  I believe this is a simple example of God subtly directing our lives as He prepares us for a task) 

Well talking about it reminded me about what a great idea it was and that I should start doing that again.  That was on Sunday.  Monday I sat and worked all day.  Tuesday I sat and worked the first half of the day but all morning long I was extremely aware of the stand that I could be working from.  It was one of those things I just couldn't ignore. 

I have been walking past that stand for months and not giving it a thought.  Well yesterday I could not ignore it and so about noon I started working standing up.  I ended up working standing up for about 3+ hours.  It felt really good!

All right I'm sure your saying "get to the point already"!  Well here it is.  When I showed up for the pre-recording I found that the camera I was on was on an elevated platform.  So not only was I going to be standing for about 30-45 minutes but I was going to have to be extremely still so that I didn't shake the platform when I moved. 

Isn't it cool how God gave me a little training the day before to prepare me for the task He had in store for me today?!

Have you ever experienced God intervening and preparing you in your life like that?  Would you like to?  It isn't hard.  It is simply one of the many blessing of having accepted Jesus into your life as your Lord and Savior.  Have you done that yet?  If not why not do it right now?  Just have a simple conversation with Jesus.  Ask Him to come into your life and guide you.  "Dear Jesus…."      


  1. Very cool!
    They had mentioned that work station to me too and I thought it sound really cool! I'll have to check it out next time I'm over!

  2. I'm actually standing as I am typing this!
