1 Timothy 6:20(NKJV)
20O Timothy! Guard what was committed to your trust, avoiding
the profane and idle babblings and
contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge—
These words just
spoke to me today. Guard what was
committed to your trust. In the verse
above Paul is talking to Timothy but it could easily be directed to each of us
who has accepted Jesus.
How is that you say?
I see it like
this. When we accept Jesus as our Lord
and Savior we enter into a new and special and personal relationship with
God. We have entered into a trust so to
speak. It is up to us to seek God daily
and to nurture that relationship with Him.
He is always there for us but it is always up to us to seek Him.
So how do we guard
that trust so to speak? By being in the
Word daily. By praying. By focusing on the vision that God has given
us for our lives and striving on a daily basis to fulfill that vision. By witnessing whenever God affords us the
opportunity to do so.
So as we start the
day tomorrow, let's all ask ourselves how are we doing in guarding what was
committed to our trust; and then act accordingly!
This goes right along with our body being a temple for the Holy Spirit. We need to guard and nourish our spiritual body in order to grow in our faith and understaning of God's will for our lives.