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Thursday, April 17, 2014

My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?

Psalms 22:1(NKJV)
1    My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?      Why are You so far from helping Me,     And from the words of My groaning?

I don't know why I've never noticed this before.  We've all heard the phrase above.  It is what Jesus said when He was hanging on the cross.  I thought it was original with Him.  Didn't realize He was quoting Psalms.

Here is what occurs to me about this verse.  It is from the OT.  Back when the relationship with God wasn't a personal relationship like it is through Jesus.  In the trials that King David went through you can see why he might have felt forsaken at the time. 

Now fast forward to Jesus saying it on the cross.  I find it interesting that Jesus utters that phrase for the last time in the Bible.  The reason is that after Jesus uttered that phrase He descended into hell to overcome death for us.  He then rose again and since the day He rose from the dead to today, no one has ever had to feel forsaken again if they have Jesus in their lives.  With the resurrection of Jesus the relationship with God changed from an impersonal relationship to a personal relationship.

What do I mean by that?  I can only share from my own experience but since I've accepted Jesus all those years ago I have never felt forsaken.  We've been through some tough times just like every person and every family has.  But through it all, I've always felt that Jesus was right there.

Would you like to have that type of relationship with God?  It starts by asking Jesus to step in and take over your life.  Why not do that right now?  Just have a good talk with Jesus.  Share with him what is on your mind and then ask Him to lead you and guide you, to come into your life as your personal Lord and Savior.  Then you'll never again have to feel separated from God.

"Dear Jesus…."

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