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Monday, October 13, 2014

Jesus's Guaranteed Success Formula!!!!

Folks have you ever wanted to know what it takes to succeed?  Have you ever read books on success or gone to seminars like Tony Robins to learn about success?  I have done both of those things and I think they are very valuable.   

However if you want the one true guaranteed success formula, look no further than what Jesus himself said in Matthew 7:7-8.  Take a look.

Matthew 7:7-8(NKJV)
7“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 
8For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. 

There is a three step formula here.  In two of the three steps we are responsible for the work or action.  I think maybe that is where many people slip up.  They ask and wait for God to strike them with the miracle stick to make their lives magically better.  It doesn't work that way.  But I digress. 

Some people might find this formula a bit simplistic but I am going to suggest that it be used in a certain way.  You can't mistake God for a magic genie in a bottle and think you are going to get anything and everything you ask for.  But if you make absolutely sure that what you ask for is something that both you and God want, and you follow through and seek what you ask for, you are guaranteed to find it.  

The first step is to ask.  What does that mean?  Ask who?  God!  Pray to God.  Talk with Him.  What should I ask for?  Here is my suggestion.  Make it your fervent prayer that God guide you on a daily basis to help you fulfill the plan that God has for your life.  That's it.  Don't worry about what you want.  Don't worry about what you need.  God will take care of all of that as long as you seek him first.

That brings us to step two.  SEEK!

That doesn't mean taking a casual look.  There is more to seek than that.  Seek indicates putting extensive effort into your search.  It means running into dead ends sometimes and having to change course.  It means being willing to put in effort to find and follow God's plan for your life.

Step 3.  Knock!  If you continually seek to follow God's plan for your life, God will not deny you, He will answer!

Step 4.  "Wait a minute.  I thought there were only three steps!"  Well step four is simply repeat the process the rest of your life.  If you do you can't help but be successful in life, at least as God defines success, and that's all that counts isn't it?  

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