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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Is God's Investment In You Profitable To Him?

Interesting question isn't it?  Does God care about profit? 

Ecclesiastes 12:13-14(NKJV)
13Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:      Fear God and keep His commandments,     For this is man’s all.
14    For God will bring every work into judgment,     Including every secret thing,      Whether good or evil.

This has nothing to do with our salvation.  If you have accepted Jesus as your savior then your salvation is guaranteed.  Have you done that yet?  If not why not right now?  Just ask Jesus to come into your life and guide you.  "Dear Jesus…."

Our works are a different issue from our salvation.  Our works are  the whole Parable of the Talents in real life.  God has given us all talents and abilities.  And just like in the Parable of the Talents, God expects a return on his investment.   

Scripture tells us that while all who accept Jesus get to Heaven, we all get different rewards in Heaven based on our service to God.  In the Parable of the Talents, those who did the most with their talents received the biggest rewards.  Why would we expect it to be any different when we get to Heaven?
So the question becomes, do we want to be that slug who buried their talents and did nothing with them?  What happened to the guy who just buried his talents and didn't provide a return?  He was in the dog house wasn't he?

Think about it.  How would it be to have to spend eternity in the dog house in Heaven.  At least your in Heaven, but man it could be so much better!

So what do we need to do to make it better?  Serve God!  How do we serve God?  I would simply suggest letting God lead you in what He wants you to do.  He'll tell you if you are willing to ask and then listen to the answer.

And here is a clue.  The more uncomfortable His answer makes you the more important it is that you follow through because God has identified some blessing He'd like to lay on you if you'll let Him.  You just have to pay the price to get it.  That price is being obedient enough to God to do things that make you uncomfortable; through which God can bless you with new skills and talents. 

In other words God will show you that you are capable of so much more than you ever imagined if you will just let Him.

So dig in, enjoy the journey, and let God lead you.  It is a great, fun, exciting life!

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