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Thursday, December 8, 2016

Hmm, and who decides what is foolish?

Titus 3:9(NKJV)
But avoid foolish disputes, genealogies, contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and useless. 

Notice it doesn't say avoid all disputes, just foolish ones. 

So who decides what is foolish?  This type of thing always makes me uneasy.  The contemporary parallel is the push to ban "fake news".  So who gets to define fake news? 

Why does it make me uneasy?  Let me give you an example.  Back in the day people were burned at the stake by the church for such "fake news" views as the earth is round.  Back in the day it was "settled science" that the earth was flat.  To say otherwise could have been considered a "foolish dispute". 

That is why it makes me nervous. 

My solution?  Not sure that I have one.  Here is what I started to write.  "Stay grounded in the Word and prayer; and let the Holy Spirit be your guide.".  Sounds good doesn't it?  But then I thought to myself, wasn't that what all of the church leadership was doing back in the day when they were burning people at the stake?  Weren't they praying about it and letting themselves be led by the Holy Spirit? 

Hmm.  Something to ponder.

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