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Monday, February 6, 2017

Why do I keep pounding away at certain themes?

I'm sure some of you wonder why I keep pounding away at certain themes.  I guess there are a couple of reasons.  The first is that I am told to do so by Scripture.

Jude 1:3-4(NKJV)
Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints. 
For certain men have crept in unnoticed, who long ago were marked out for this condemnation, ungodly men, who turn the grace of our God into lewdness and deny the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ.

What does contend earnestly for the faith mean?  To me it means continually correcting misconceptions about what the Bible instructs us regarding Jesus and the Christian faith.  Scripture tells us the truth will set you free but I find too many times today Christians are more concerned with not hurting feelings than they are with telling the truth. 

While it may "feel like the Christian thing to do", I don't believe it is.  

The 2nd reason is that I am compelled to do so by the spiritual gifts God has given me.  My 3rd and 4th strongest spiritual gifts are teaching and perceiving.  This comes from an analysis I did through our church a couple of years ago.  It is called the GiftQuest Report.  If you have interest you can get more info here.

Here is the description of my third and fourth gifts from the report.  I think after reading it you will see why I say I feel "compelled".  It's not like I have a choice.  It's ingrained in me.  It's like God gave me a perfect role to fill based on the gifts He gave me.  Imagine that!!!  :)

"Your third gift is teaching.  You possess a significant motivation to  study matters out-to-do research.  It is natural for you to evaluate, to probe,  to look up facts, background information, details, or whatever is necessary to research the matter thoroughly. You want to establish what is correct,  accurate-to arrive at the truth. You are willing to study, to look up  information, to read directions, to do word studies, to gather books and related  research materials, to be meticulous-tedious in your approach, to investigate  thoroughly until convinced-sure that your conclusions, observations, and/or  facts are accurate. As you mature in your walk in Christ, the scriptures and  their accurate interpretation will be of supreme importance to you. You are  prone to think and say things like: "Who said that"; "Where is it found?"; "How  do you know that?"; "On what basis to you say that?"; "I need to look that up myself!" You prefer logical, systematic study and presentation of information.  You may or may not enjoy or participate in teaching others. You tend to be an  unresponsive listener, remaining silent and uncommitted until prepared to speak. 

Your fourth spiritual motivation is that of prophecy, or more descriptively known as the gift of perception.  You have an inner prompting and ability to perceive what is right versus wrong, good versus evil, or true versus false.  You are somewhat gifted to perceive, proclaim, promote, and pray about the will of God.  You process a desire to correct what you see as wrong.  You fairly quickly come to and express your perceptions, thoughts, and ideas verbally.  You tend to desire to bring others to a point of accountability and conviction.  You tend to be wholehearted in your involvements.  You are willing to suffer for what you perceive as right.  You have an intense desire that justice be done.  You are willing to terminate existing relationships to be loyal to the truth." 

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