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Wednesday, May 11, 2016

"The wise shall inherit glory" What does that mean?

I found this interesting.

Proverbs 3:35(NKJV)
    The wise shall inherit glory,      But shame shall be the legacy of fools.

So to me the obvious question what exactly does glory mean?

  1. very great praise, honor, or distinction bestowed by common consent; renown: to win glory on the field of battle.
  2. something that is a source of honor, fame, or admiration; a distinguished ornament or an object of pride: a sonnet that is one of the glories of English poetry.
  3. adoring praise or worshipful thanksgiving: Give glory to God.
  4. resplendent beauty or magnificence: the glory of autumn.
  5. a state of great splendor, magnificence, or prosperity.
  6. a state of absolute happiness, gratification, contentment, etc.: She was in her glory when her horse won the Derby.
  7. the splendor and bliss of heaven; heaven.

So let's start with number 7.  Do you think that is all that is meant by this verse?  The wise will get to Heaven?  I think there is more to it than that.  Here is what I see.

Let's look at some of the phrases used in the other definitions.  Very great praise; honor, distinction; state of great splendor, magnificence, prosperity.

Here is where I am going with this.  We have Scripture here that once again demonstrates that in God's world, not all are treated equally.  Some will receive more than others in life, and deservedly so based on God's own criteria.  One of those criteria according to this verse is those who are wise. 

Now I realize that begs the question, who determines who is wise?

I would suggest that if you are seeking the blessings of God that you use His criteria.  Psalms and Proverbs especially are chocked full of God's teachings of what exactly wisdom is and how to receive it.

There are many out there however who think they know better than God what wisdom is.

We shall see.  :)

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