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Thursday, January 8, 2015

How Important Is Our Pursuit of Wisdom to God?

What a great Proverb.  I am again struck by how much the pursuit of wisdom and knowledge is stressed in Proverbs.  God gives us a roadmap to prosperity if we will just use it.  Unfortunately, it seems to me at least, too many people mistake God for the tooth fairy.  They think that without them changing a thing or doing anything differently, God is just going to come along one day and drop success on them and change their lives. 

Here's a news flash.  It doesn't work that way.  I wrote yesterday about living in God's favor.  How do we earn God's favor?  Take a look.

Proverbs 23:15(NKJV)
15    My son, if your heart is wise,      My heart will rejoice—indeed, I myself;

First off, before anyone gets too nit picky, I didn't say how do we earn salvation.  We don't.  That is a free gift from God.  What I asked is how do we earn God's favor?  There is a difference.  Let me illustrate.

If you have kids and your kids do good things that please you, you are probably inclined to do nice things back right?  If the kids work hard and do a nice job helping you clean the yard, you might be inclined to favor them by taking them out for ice cream.  Make sense? 

On the other hand, if the kids screw around and make more work for you than what they contributed, you might be a little ticked right?  Likely to shower them with favor by taking them out for ice cream now?  :)

My main God paradigm is God the Father.  So as a father, can you see God having the same reactions since we are made in His image?  We are much more likely to be showered with God's favor when we please Him which brings me back to today's Scripture.

What does it say?  That when God sees that our hearts are wise, He (God) rejoices.  That makes Him very happy!  So if you like to live in God's favor, a great place to start is to constantly and actively strive to acquire wisdom. 

How do we do that?  The first step is to ask Jesus to come into your life to lead you.  Have you done that yet?  All you have to do is have a conversation with Jesus.  "Dear Jesus…."

Once you do that then God will give you the Holy Spirit to guide you.  From there simply do everything you can to draw closer to God by being in His word everyday.  In addition to that just pray that God leads you to the additional wisdom He would like you to have.  Our job is to seek, continually.  If we do that I believe we have a great chance to live in God's favor. 

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