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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Was King Solomon Schizophrenic?

I only ask because I just finished reading for the 31 chapters of Proverbs about how important it is to seek wisdom.  Now in the 1st Chapter of Ecclesiastes which was written by King Solomon who wrote part of Proverbs as well, I read the following:

Ecclesiastes 1:18(NKJV)
18    For in much wisdom is much grief,      And he who increases knowledge increases sorrow.

Does that strike anyone else as a bit incongruent?  For me it has always seemed strange that the same guy could write both books.  If I had to put it in a nutshell, Proverbs seems so optimistic which is probably why I am drawn to it.  Ecclesiastes on the hand seems to be so dark, brooding, and pessimistic as to be almost suicidal!

So what do you think God is trying to teach us by offering such diametrically opposed views by the same guy?  What do you think the point of the above Scripture is? 

After spending 31 chapters telling us to pursue wisdom, is Solomon now telling us not to pursue it?  Or is it something different? 

While there are probably many ways to interpret this, let me offer one that strikes me.

I have always taken the pursue wisdom advice to heart.  I am always learning new things, new skills.  I am always seeking new knowledge.  It is a passion.  It is fun.  It is rewarding.  It is an extremely fun and exciting and satisfying way to live.  That's probably why God recommends it!

Here is where the grief and sorrow comes in from gaining wisdom and knowledge.  I see a lot of people out there in this world who are hurting, financially as well other things.  People who feel hopeless.  People who feel that they don't have a chance.  Some of those people are even Christians.

But how many of those people do you see pursuing wisdom and knowledge?  One of the things in the Bible that God spends 31 chapters of a book on, how many people are following His advice? 

Would their lives be better if they did?  Absolutely!  Would start to feel some hope?  I believe they would.  What is stopping them?  Is it cost?  Nope.  Libraries are free.  Pursuing knowledge is free.  Doesn't cost a thing.  You don't have to get anyone's permission to do it.  The only thing stopping them is themselves!

So for me the grief and sorrow comes from seeing people struggling when I know how easy it is to fix the problem.  Seeing  people not willing to follow God's advice and seek wisdom.  That is truly sad! 

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