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Monday, January 23, 2012

Eat the Rich!

Normally I try to keep my politics and my blog separate but here is an issue that just bugs the snot out of me and because I ran across these verses today I am going to write about it.

Ecclesiastes 10:5-7(NKJV)
5    There is an evil I have seen under the sun,      As an error proceeding from the ruler:
6    Folly is set in great dignity,     While the rich sit in a lowly place.
7    I have seen servants on horses,     While princes walk on the ground like servants.

Ecclesiastes 10:20(NKJV)
20    Do not curse the king, even in your thought;     Do not curse the rich, even in your bedroom;     For a bird of the air may carry your voice,      And a bird in flight may tell the matter.

The thing that is really bugging me in the political rhetoric today is this whole class warfare, eat the rich campaign coming out of Washington.  The Bible has a lot to say about wealth, both good and bad.  The verse that most seize upon is the Eye of the needle parable.  You know the one.  It's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into Heaven. 

Ecc. 10:6 seems especially relevant right now.  We have all of these pointy head academics, politicians, and theorists (folly) flailing about trying to save the economy.  They ridicule, belittle, and demonize the rich; in other words "sitting them in a lowly place".  But before you decide who to listen to wouldn't it make sense to compare the fruit of the two?

On the one hand we have folly  driving country after country into financial distress and bankruptcy.  On the other hand we have businesses (the rich) that have made the adjustment and are more profitable and have more cash than ever.  Take a look at this chart. 

While the politicians continue to spend and drive us further in debt, the companies (the rich) have made the adjustments necessary to survive and prosper.  If we want our country to return to prosperity maybe it is time to listen to God and not curse the rich!

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