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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Ever have one of those days?

Of course you have.  We all do.  The more important question is how do you deal with it?  Do you let it rattle you, get you all flustered and on edge, or do you go with the flow?

My son Luke and I learned to go with the flow on a trip to Europe some years ago.  Luke was playing on a travel baseball team and so we were traveling with a group of 43 13-15 year old baseball players.  We had a schedule of when to be at certain places, etc.  There were a lot of things that never ended up happening according to the schedule.  We had to resort to Plan B.  We learned to just shrug our shoulders and go Plan B, no big deal.

I've written in the past about how I try to do my Bible study in the morning, offering God the first fruits of my day, my energies, and my mental abilities.  I've long ago learned that if I start my day with God, things just seem to go better.  Now I don't mean there aren't still struggles, just that it seems easier to deal with day to day challenges when I start my day with God.

So what about those days when "stuff" just happens.  I used to feel guilty when stuff happened and I didn't get to spend my preferred time with God, and sometimes didn't get to spend any time that day with God.   I no longer feel guilty about it.  Why not?  Glad you asked.

 Here's my reasoning.  First off, I think it is a heart  issue.  Am I doing my daily reading as a "lucky charm" to ward off bad kharma, or do I truly want the interaction with God?  It's a heart issue and God can tell the difference. 

Secondly, Jesus lived on earth for 30 some years as a man so He understands "Stuff happens".  Maybe they said it differently back then "stuffeth happeneth", but I'm sure it happened to Him also.  How do I know?  Because there are many stories in the gospel of people coming to Jesus to be touched and healed at inconvenient times and He dealt with it gracefully. 

So to tie this all together, I figure that God knows my heart and knows that I truly enjoy our time together, He's not just my lucky charm.  He, through Jesus, has actually experienced "stuff happens" so He gets it.  And finally I serve a good and understanding God.  He's not sitting up in heaven waiting to play Wack A Mole on my head just because my day got a bit turned around. 

So next time your day gets a bit out of control just remember that it happened to Jesus too.  Just chill, shrug your shoulders and say Plan B. 

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