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Monday, January 16, 2012

A Twofer!

In Ecclesiastes I came across a couple of great little tidbits.

Ecclesiastes 5:2(NKJV)
2    Do not be rash with your mouth,      And let not your heart utter anything hastily before God.     For God is in heaven, and you on earth;     Therefore let your words be few.

This goes right along with the saying "God gave us two ears and one mouth, He was trying to tell us something".  

This verse just reminds me that I need to spend way more time listening to God then I do talking to Him.  He's way smarter than me and so I'm going to learn more listening to Him than I am by talking to Him!

Ecclesiastes 5:3(NKJV)
3    For a dream comes through much activity,     And a fool’s voice is known by his many words.

This one also reminds me of another saying.  "Even God can't steer a parked car". 

Now first off I disagree with this saying.  God can do anything He wants, He's God.  But I like the spirit of the saying.   Here is what I think both Ecclesiastes 5:3 and this saying are trying to communicate. 

 It's saying that we have to do our part.  God can guide us but it is so much easier for Him to guide us if we are at least moving forward.  If you are just sitting around waiting on God to make everything happen you're going to be disappointed.  We have to be moving, and trying.  God will give us dreams and visions for our life but we have to be actively seeking those dreams and visions and once we receive them we have to actively pursue them. 

Let me just give one illustration of what I think this means.  Someone starts a little ministry  feeding the homeless or something.  It starts small but year after year it grows.  As it grows, the dream grows to turn it into a national ministry helping thousands across the country.  Now when it was started do you think that the person had plans for to be a big national ministry?  No.  They were just trying to help some local people but as they helped more people (activity) God slowly helped them dream bigger.  Does that make sense?

The last thing today is a prayer request.  Out church is doing a 21 day fast.  I have never done a fast before.  Not sure what to expect but I do love eating and so I know I am going to need some prayer support on this one!


1 comment:

  1. Praying that your fast is going well! Just take 1 day at a time and focus on your meals!
