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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Oh You Sweet Talker You!

I should probably save this for Valentines Day but I'm in a silly mood today so I am going to use it now.

Try this on your spouse sometime.

"Oh baby, your hair is like a flock of goats"
"You teeth are like a flock of shorn sheep"

"Your neck is built for an armory, strong enough to carry a 1000 shields"
Let me know how that works for you.  LOL!

This is a clear example of "lost in translation".  You're probably wondering what the heck I am talking about.  Well I've been reading Song of Solomon.  Specifically chapter 4.  Here is how it started.

Song of Songs 4:1-5(NKJV)
1The Beloved      Behold, you are fair, my love!     Behold, you are fair!     You have dove’s eyes behind your veil.     Your hair is like a flock of goats,     Going down from Mount Gilead.
2    Your teeth are like a flock of shorn sheep     Which have come up from the washing,     Every one of which bears twins,     And none is barren among them.
3    Your lips are like a strand of scarlet,     And your mouth is lovely.     Your temples behind your veil     Are like a piece of pomegranate.
4    Your neck is like the tower of David,     Built for an armory,     On which hang a thousand bucklers,     All shields of mighty men.
5    Your two breasts are like two fawns,     Twins of a gazelle,     Which feed among the lilies.

I guess back in the day this was probably a great compliment.  I think today it's probably a great way to get slapped or to get your spouse to not speak to you for a week or two, which may or may not be a bad thing depending on your situation. 

If you've never read the Song of Solomon you're in for a real eye opener.  Wow!  If it were re written in modern day language it would be a real bodice buster.  (Couldn't resist, had to see if I could work that phrase in)  But why is it in the Bible?  It seem so out of place. 

Well to answer that question I'd like to use the comment that my daughter posted to what I wrote yesterday.  "I really enjoyed this article! The Bible is the perfect guide to our lives- in every single aspect, even politics and economics!"

That's right, the Bible is the perfect guide to our lives-in every single aspect.  So why would we not expect that guidance to extend to our love lives, our sexuality,  and the way that we see and interact with our spouses in that area of our lives. 

I think we Christians get a bad rap when it comes to sex.  So many of us are afraid to talk about it, afraid to enjoy it,  afraid to embrace it, and I think that is unfortunate because the Bible clearly says that God gave it to us as a gift to be shared.

My wife goes to Bible Study Fellowship.  There was a chapter they were studying recently where my wife made mention about how one verse in particular could also be applied to the sexual relationship in marriage and she was amazed at how many of the women came up to her afterwards and thanked her for making that comment.  So many Christians simply feel constrained in this area. 

We always felt that part of our duty as parents was to model a great marriage.  Because we believe that a great sex life is part of a great marriage we always tried to model that, in age appropriate ways of course.  As an example the kids have always seen us holding hands and kissing and hugging. 

As a funny aside, as the kids got older (mid to late teens) and knew what we were up to they of course would try to embarrass us.  We'd give them money to go to the ice cream store and tell them not to come home for an hour.  With angelic smile on their face they'd ask "Why don't you want us to come back for an hour?"  We'd just look back at them and ask "Do you really want us to tell you?" "NO" Lol!

So what does the Song of Solomon teach us?  That they were HOT for each other.  This wasn't just a procreation thing.  They were passionately hot for each other.  If you haven't read it in a while go back and give it another read.  Use it as inspiration as you make plans for your Valentine (if you're married of course) this year!!!   


  1. You and Mom have always been such good role models for us and shown us what a loving and Godly marriage looks like. Thanks!
