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Monday, October 17, 2016

One of my top three foundational verses. If you ever fear you need this one!!!

2 Timothy 1:7(NKJV)
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

Scripture tells us over and over and over again…Do Not Fear!!!!!!!

So how do we stop it when we feel fear trying to take over?

Easy!  Memorize this verse.  This should be your go to verse when you feel even the hint of fear.

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear….be gone Satan!!!!!"

But let's take a deeper look at the verse.  God didn't give us a spirit of fear.  OK, what did God give us instead?
God gave us Power, Love, and a Sound Mind.  Now does everybody get this?  According to Scripture, no.  Only those who believe in Jesus and receive the Holy Spirit receive those blessings of God.  I just want to make perfectly clear that these come through our belief in Jesus and they are intended to Glorify God.

So what is it we are to do with our power, love, and sound minds?  Based on my studies of Scripture here is my opinion.

I believe we are to approach life with a sense of power and purpose.  We are to live life vibrantly.  In good times and bad.  We are to "glory in our tribulations" (Romans 5:3-5) because that demonstrates our faith in God's power to actually make our lives better…if we take action. (Good subject for a whole different post)

I personally think too many people focus on the "meek" Scripture at the expense of the "power" Scriptures.

We are to approach life always looking for ways to make people's lives better, thereby demonstrating our love.  Does that mean we have to quite our jobs and go in to ministry?  Nope.  Just change the paradigm.  Look at your existing life as your ministry.  How can you touch people in a meaningful way in your everyday life, thereby demonstrating the love of God?

And finally our sound minds.  Why do you think that was included?  Our sound minds?  Hmm.  Could it be God's subtle way of telling us not to allow ourselves to be led astray?  Could it be God's way of saying "think things through, don't get fooled?"  Could it be God's subtle way of reinforcing one of the main messages of Proverbs?  That message being to pursue wisdom, knowledge, and understanding? 

I personally believe that is exactly what God was doing there.  God gave us our intellect and I believe He expects us to use it. 

Now let me bring this full circle.  This post started out as a post about combatting fear.  Memorizing the Scripture will be a great help in fighting fear.  But do you know what would be an even bigger help?  To embrace the deeper meaning here. 

If we live our lives embracing the Power of God and embracing God's love, all the while seeking wisdom, knowledge, and understanding…..what would we really have to fear to begin with?   

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