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Friday, October 11, 2013

The Wrath Of God Abides On Him

John 3:36(NKJV)
36He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.

That doesn't sound like any fun does it?  One of the definitions of abide is to dwell.  That means that God's anger isn't directed at "him" just for a moment or two.  It means that God's anger is continual, constant, and focused.

What could make God so mad that while He has the whole universe to run, He is so pissed off that He makes it a point to continually keep part of his attention and anger focused on them?  It's the fact that they have rejected Jesus. 

Now why doesn't God just take a live and let live attitude to those who reject Jesus?  After all He gave them free will.  I don't presume to speak for God but I think it should be easy to understand for any parent.

How would you feel if you had one of your kids die to save the whole human race from paying the price for their sins and some people rejected the sacrifice that your child made for them?  Wouldn't that tick you off a bit?

God has many characteristics and one of them is loyalty.  He is very loyal to those who are loyal to Him.  Jesus was extremely loyal to God, so loyal that He stepped up and took on the sins of the world because his Dad asked Him to.  Would you then expect God to turn His back on that loyalty?  I sure wouldn't.

What is the best way to avoid the wrath of God?  Accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior.

Accepting Jesus will be one of the best things you will ever do in your life. If you accept Jesus you should do it because you think it will make a positive improvement in your life.  If you've never accepted Jesus, I can't think of a better time than now.  Just have a conversation with Jesus and ask Him to come into your life.  "Dear Jesus…."

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